Watkinson Library/Center for Caribbean Studies/History Department Student Fellowship at Trinity’s Watkinson Library
Explore an exciting opportunity at the Watkinson Special Collections Library right here at Trinity! We seek intellectually passionate Trinity students to help us find new ways to explore the Watkinson Library’s holdings on Caribbean and Latin American collections.
The first stage of this fellowship will involve organizing and promoting the materials that we currently have available. Second, students will develop creative projects that help to tell the stories that emerge from the breadth of primary and secondary resources in the Watkinson Library, including maps, drawings, rare books, archival collections, and more.
Student projects could include processing archival collections, creating library study guides to help others with their research, collecting metadata for the Trinity in Trinidad video archive, conducting oral history interviews with the Latino/a/x community in Hartford to add to our current oral history archive, or any other project that can help to create, highlight, and make accessible our resources on Latin America and the Caribbean.
Sponsored by the Center for Caribbean Studies, the Watkinson Library, and the History Department, Watkinson/CCS Fellows will receive a stipend of $1,000 per academic semester. Reading proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese or other languages registered in the history and culture of the Caribbean are preferred. Your project, accompanied by a brief report outlining your weekly progress and reflective experience, will be presented at an event towards the end of each award term.
We invite you to apply for this exciting opportunity by sending:
- A brief proposal of not more than one page highlighting what type of project you would like to conduct over the semester, what shape you think the final product would take within the timeframe of a semester, and how you plan to share results of your project with the Trinity campus and beyond.
- A letter of recommendation from a member of the Trinity Community (Faculty or Staff), who can support your ability to work independently.
Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis.
Proposals and letters of recommendation should be sent to [email protected].
Any questions about this fellowship may be directed to Dr. Bleyer, either of the co-directors of the Center for Caribbean Studies: [email protected] and [email protected], or the Chair of the History Department, [email protected].