Student Phone Services
Each student has a five-digit extension number beginning with the digit 3.
You will have the option of forwarding this extension to a telephone number of your choice. If your extension number is not forwarded or the call is not answered, the caller will be transferred to voicemail. The recorded message will be sent to you as a sound recording attached to an e-mail message.
Forwarding your Calls
If you have a cellular telephone, you can arrange to have calls to your five-digit Trinity College extension forwarded to it. Your professors and fellow students will be able to call you using the number listed in the directory while your cellular phone number remains private.
To enter the number of your cellular telephone (or any other phone where you wish to receive your calls), go to and click on “Self Service”, “Telephone and E-mail Routing”, and then “Telephone Settings”. Enter the number of the phone where you wish to receive calls and press the Save button. The number should be entered as ten digits, starting with the area code. The change will take effect immediately.
You may change this number as often as you like. If you wish to disable forwarding and have all of your calls go to voice mail instead, delete the number and press Save.
To call your extension from an off-campus phone, first dial 860-297-3000, wait for the prompt, and then dial your five-digit extension.
Telephones in Dormitory Rooms
You may order a telephone line in your dormitory room for $50 in Bantam Bucks per semester. To continue service, you must make a new payment before the start of the next semester. Contact the Library & IT Desk (Help Desk) if you have any questions.
The service does not include toll calls. We provide only a working telephone jack. You must provide the telephone to plug into it.
Directory Corrections
Please report any errors in student listings to the Registrar’s Office.