While you can print files in several formats, including PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, JPG, TIFF, and TXT, please NOTE that it is strongly encouraged to print files in PDF format to avoid loss of any special formatting.
Other formats, including legal size, 11×17 and printing file formats other than PDF may require the use of a public computer in the library to print to the printer instead of emailing.
  1. Send emails with attachments to:

    • [email protected]
    • You must send from your Trinity email account (this will not work from a Gmail or other email account)
    • Ensure it is an attached file, not a link to your file located on OneDrive, Moodle, SharePoint, GoogleDoc, etc. (download a copy to your computer and then attach)
  2. Go to any print release station. (Note the Raether LITC Level A and B printers are available 24 hours a day. Other printers on campus may have limited accessibility.)
  3. Swipe your Trinity ID card to log in to your print queue.
    Note: You may also login by clicking on the User name and password button on the top left and entering your Trinity username and password.
  4. Choose the printer you wish to print to (signage displayed at the print release station will indicate which printer you are at).
  5. Choose the name of the job you wish to print. Its cost will be listed on the screen.
  6. Your job will be printed immediately. Jobs listed in your print queue that you do not select to print will disappear from your queue after 10 hours.
    Note: You may also click on the Delete button or the Print&Del button to remove jobs from your queue.
  7. All jobs will be printed in duplex (double-sided). If you would like to print single-sided, either send the pages one at a time, print the job from a public lab computer, or use the Canon printer/copiers in the library to set the print option to single-sided.
  8. From a lab/classroom computer, log in as yourself on the computer and print or if you are logged in to a guest computer on level A of the library, at the pop-up prompt, enter your username. Follow the steps above, starting at 2.


  • How do I print a web page or a file that’s in an unsupported format?  Save the file or webpage as a pdf.
  • How do I print a file that is too large to email?
    • Save the file in individual sections/chapters and email each section separately. (You may select more than one job at a time to print at the print release station.)  OR
    • Use a public computer in the library to print to the printer instead of emailing
  • How do I change options to select B&W/Color, 1 or 2 sided, a specific page range (instead of an entire document) or staple as it prints? Use the Canon printer/copiers in the library and when selecting the file to print, click the Options button. You can set all of these options on this screen.
  • How do I print legal size or 11×17 size? Use a public computer in the library to print to the printer instead of emailing. Select the paper tray of the size you would like from the print options when printing. Preview the job before sending.