Hello! We are happy you are interested in arts and crafts and we are here to help you get started. This library is intended for those who want to try out a technique without having to invest in supplies. It is for experimenters, multimedia artists, and those who are curious about techniques and want to play!

The library is restocked through a modest budget and donations. Therefore, the arts library cannot provide supplies for large scale club activities, nor can we provide a complete supply of materials to students enrolled in art classes. Clubs should work through the SLE office.

Please keep the arts supply library neat! Keep the shelves tidy, return materials where you found them, and be sure to check out materials if you intend to use them. If you don’t use all of an item that shows up as “Yours to keep!” when you check it out, we would appreciate it if you put what’s left back on the shelves. If you check out an item that has a due date, please be sure to return it to the STA Desk so that it can be checked back in properly.

The adjoining space, room 133, can be used for short-term projects that you don’t want to carry back to your room.

Finally, if you have anything you no longer use, please consider donating it to the arts library! Other students will appreciate it!

Happy creating!