There is no Election Day registration for a primary in Connecticut.
Follow these guides to make sure you are ready to make your voice heard on election day!

Registration FAQ
Check to see if you are already registered to vote here. If you are not sure where you are registered, submit the form for each address you have or had (i.e. your home address or your dorm address).
If the lookup tool above does not find you, but you believe you are registered, contact your local election official to check their rolls.
As a student in Connecticut, you are eligible to vote either in Connecticut or in your home state. However, you cannot vote in both states (voting twice is considered election fraud and is a felony)! As you get ready to vote, you must first decide where to register. Questions to consider while making this decision:
- Are you attached to local politics in your state? Is your attachment to your home state local politics greater than your attachment to Connecticut politics?
- Where will your vote matter more in determining state and federal politics? Do you live in a competitive House or Senate district? Is your home state hosting a gubernatorial election this year? Is your home district a key swing district in the makeup of your state’s senate or congressional chambers?
- Do you envision yourself remaining in Connecticut, and getting involved with Connecticut politics?
- Have the primary registration deadlines passed, either for your home state or for Connecticut?
If you are already registered in your home state, but would like to switch your registration to Connecticut, then visit this page: Register in Connecticut.
For students who have registered in previous elections in Connecticut, you may have to re-register. Check the status of your current registration.
You should visit to confirm, but this information is from the Connecticut Secretary of State’s Office:
If you want to vote in Connecticut, you can register three ways.
- In-Person: 7 days before Election Day. If you miss the deadline, you can also register at a designated Election Day Registration location in your town on Election Day
- By Mail: Postmarked 7 days before Election Day
- Online: 7 days before Election Day
Your application must be postmarked or received by a voter registration agency by the 7th day before an election (OR you may register in person with your Registrar of Voters by the 7th day before an election).
Privileges attach immediately upon approval of the application by the registrar, unless
the application is delivered in person to the registrar after the seven day before an election in person voter registration deadline or
mailed or postmarked to the registrar or a voter registration agency after the 7-day mail in registration deadline before an election, or
the application is made to a voter registration agency, made other than in person to the registrar, or postmarked, after the fifth day before a primary, or
made in person to the registrar after 12 noon of the last business day before a primary.
There is no election day registration for a primary.
If the voter registration deadline has passed, you can still register to vote in person at the office of your local election office on Election Day. Contact your local election office if you have any questions.
3 months before primary.
Last day that enrolled elector can transfer from one party to another or, if unaffiliated electors are permitted to vote in a party primary, to erase from a party, and be eligible to vote in municipal primary of new party.
Absentee ballets must be received by the municipal clerk no later than the close of the polls on the day of such election or returned by the elector in person to said clerk by the day before an election or primary.
A presidential ballot or overseas ballot must be mailed or otherwise returned by the elector or applicant so that it is received by the town clerk not later than the close of the polls on election day. (Sec. 9-l40b)
Ready to register?
Register in Hartford or Register in Your Home State. If you are a student from Connecticut, you will need to confirm your registration and choose whether you will vote at home or register to vote in Hartford.