Connecting Trinity and HMTCA Students Through Tutoring - March 2023
When the TRIN-HMTCA Tutors program launched in the fall of 2022, Liliana Polley IDP’21, MA’23 was worried about getting enough Trinity College student tutors and Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA) students to join the program. It turned out that recruitment wasn’t a problem. Trinity students showed strong interest in volunteering for the afterschool program and there was equal enthusiasm from HMTCA parents to enroll their children for tutoring and extracurricular programming. Polley, the Trinity-HMTCA Partnership Program Manager, had 15 Trinity student tutors and 15 HMTCA student mentees signed up in no time. By Spring 2023, that number has expanded to 19 Trinity students and 30 HMTCA students.