Help Trinity Vote
The TrinVotes! tables will be all over campus this fall, mostly at events in the evenings and on weekends, as well as outside of Mather Dining Hall. We’ve organized all the information and materials, but need bodies to staff the table!
Voting volunteers help students 1) decide how to vote (in-person or vote by mail), 2) get registered, 3) request an vote by mail ballot if needed, 4) learn about what’s on their ballot, and 5) turn out on election day. Volunteers walk students through the process, but are NOT expected to know all the answers. Instead they are a resource. Help us educate, register, and mobilize students by simply contacting us and we will connect you with TrinVotes! and ConnPIRG student leaders who are organizing flyering around campus and spreading the word through social media and email blasts.
Follow TrinVotes! on Instagram @trinvotes or Twitter on #trinvotes
Election Day
We will need volunteers throughout the day on Tuesday 11/8 (7am-8pm – 4 shifts) to encourage and inform students at Mather dining hall, as well as organizing groups of no more than 10 students to walk groups of students down to the polling location at HMTCA. Sign up to help on election day!