Community Learning posted by Abby Nick '24

The Benefits of Guaranteed Basic Income: Lessons from Advocates

Abby Nick ‘24, Community Learning Research Fellow Community Partner Maddie Granato, Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Advocacy Fund And Faculty Sponsor Professor Chambers Spring 2022, Trinity College, Hartford CT

Community Learning posted by Alberlis Hernandez '23

Visualizing Referral Trends with the CT Office of Early Childhood

In spring 2022 I received the opportunity to partner with the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood for independent research. My community partner and I realized there is a need for data visualization where OEC can use their data to actively drive decisions, specifically for their 2-1-1 and Child Development Infoline (CDI) referral services. For my research, I created visualizations of current public data from OEC and presented trends over time. I hope my research raises questions about meaningful data collection that can benefit OEC with time.

Community Service and Civic Engagement posted by Courtney Demeglio

Traveling Around Hartford with the Bantam Bus Pass

Since its arrival in 1999, the Bantam Bus Pass (originally the U-Pass) has been a way for students to explore the Greater Hartford area. Coordinated by the Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement, the pass allows for unlimited rides on the CT Transit and CTFastrak bus systems at no out-of-pocket cost to Trinity students.

Community Learning posted by Emeline Avignon (2024)

The Power of Partnership: Reflecting on Community Engagement with “Stop the Raids!”

In 2007, Charlie Fuentes ‘08 founded “Stop the Raids!” as a student organization at Trinity College. The group, which protested federal raids against undocumented immigrants, offers a powerful example of how students’ co-curricular efforts in partnership with Hartford residents can leave a lasting mark. In addition to mobilizing large groups of students to fight for immigrant rights, "Stop the Raids!" collaborated with Hartford organizations that played a role in passing Hartford’s sanctuary city ordinance in 2008. In Fall 2021, current Community Action Gateway students examined the work of "Stop the Raids!" as they learned about the opportunities and challenges of higher education community engagement and social change. Though the “Stop the Raids!” group is no longer active at Trinity, the rights of undocumented immigrants are still a salient issue in the Hartford community and touch members of the Trinity College community today.

Community Action Gateway posted by Reese San Diego '25

Community Action Gateway Student Team Works with Health Equity Solutions

For our Fall 2021 semester, students were enrolled in Community Action 101: Envisioning Social Change. CACT partnered with organizations to create a 1-minute video responding to the partner’s communicated needs. The class worked with an array of Hartford-based organizations, collaborating with Free Center, Night Fall, Health Equity Solutions, and Desiree Primus’ “Mayor Carrie Saxon-Perry” project.