Check back in the middle of the fall semester for information about the summer 2025 program

The CUGS Summer Research Program supports Trinity College students in conducting urban and global summer research. The program is supported by the Tanaka Fund for International Research, the Grossman Global Studies Fund, the Kelter Urban Studies Fund, and the Karen and David Thomas Urban China Teaching and Research Endowment. Projects must fall into the broad categories of Asian Studies, China Studies, Urban Studies, or Global Studies. Project selection is based on proposal quality and available funding. Applications are due by March 10, 2024. Find the 2024 application here and the required advisor form here.

As part of the program, students:

  • Conduct research for approximately 100 hours over the summer.
  • Receive financial support for their research in the form of a stipend or coverage of travel expenses (generally $1,500, though more funding may be available for students to pay for travel to Asia through the Tanaka Fund).
  • Meet as a cohort for a pre-research planning meeting and post-research debrief meeting.
  • Receive logistical support for research and travel planning from the CUGS associate director at a pre-research meeting, midpoint check-in, and post-research meeting.
  • Meet with their advisor before and during the research. Faculty advisors receive a $500 stipend for supervising student research.
  • Present their research to the campus in the fall.

Students of any major are welcome to apply and research can be conducted in the U.S. or internationally. Current first-years, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply. Seniors are not eligible to apply for this program.

Students whose summer research projects are connected to a previous or future academic experience will be given preference. Examples of previous or future connections include:

  • Staying into the summer after a spring semester study away program to conduct research.
  • Conducting research that will feed into a senior thesis, independent study, or other capstone project.
  • Continuing research started in an academic class.

Application and proposals

To apply, please submit 1) the advisor form (here), 2) the application form (here), and 3) attach a 1,000-word proposal that includes the following elements:

*Click on the links below for resources about developing the components of a successful application.

  • An introduction that includes your research question
  • A literature review
  • The methods you will use to conduct your research
  • An explanation of how your research connects to a previous or future academic experience
  • A bibliography (not included in word count)

Reach out to Gabby Nelson, Associate Director of CUGS, at [email protected], for questions about the proposal process or to set up a meeting.


Past Student Research Projects

Read about past student projects students have conducted with a CUGS summer research grant


Learn more about CUGS Summer Research