October 1, 2020

Dear Trinity Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I write today to share the news that Fred Kass will take on the role of interim chief information officer (CIO) at Trinity, effective October 15. I’m grateful to Fred for stepping up to lead the organization, a move that will ensure critical continuity and will allow us to conduct a thoughtful search for a permanent successor to Sue Aber, who is retiring this month.

Fred has 25 years of experience in higher education library and information technology divisions. He began working for Trinity in 2013 as the director of network and infrastructure services, was promoted to associate chief information officer in 2016, and has been the assistant vice president for information services and associate CIO since 2018.

I also would like to share that the division will undergo a name change that has come out of discussions that involved many Trinity constituents. Beginning January 1, 2021, Information Services will be renamed the division of Library and Information Technology Services (LITS). And when we initiate the search for Sue’s replacement, we will be seeking a vice president for library and information technology services (LITS). In the coming weeks, I will finalize the composition of that search committee and the process that we will follow to fill this critical position; you’ll hear more about those efforts soon.

Please join me in thanking Fred for agreeing to serve Trinity in this capacity and Sue for her unwavering dedication to the college, which, as you may know, included delaying her planned retirement for months as she helped lead the institution’s response to the pandemic. We all are indebted to Sue for her outstanding work, especially over the past six months, and we wish her a happy, healthy retirement. We can rest assured that we will continue to be in good hands with Fred in the interim.


Joanne Berger-Sweeney
President and Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience