Announcement posted by Bhumika Choudhary ’18, M’20 and Andrew J. Concatelli

Trinity Awarded ‘Humanities Research for the Public Good’ Grant for ‘Hispanic Hartford’ Oral Histories Collection

A grant awarded to Trinity by the Council of Independent Colleges will be used to continue building and archiving the Watkinson Library’s “Hispanic Hartford” collection, or “Voces de la Migración: Hartford History Makers,” which includes oral histories and interviews with members of the Latinx community in Hartford.

Announcement posted by Kelsey Brown ’23

Esther Appiah ’21 Awarded Fulbright Grant to Teach English in Côte d’Ivoire

International Studies major and Religious Studies minor Esther Appiah ’21 will travel to Côte d'Ivoire in January 2022 through the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) program. The ETA program places Fulbright grant recipients in classrooms in foreign countries to provide assistance to local English teachers and serve as cultural ambassadors for the United States.

Announcement posted by Emma Sternberg ’21

Madison Gilbertson ’21 Receives Victoria L. Soto Memorial Award from Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters

In recognition of her dedication to mentoring children, Trinity College senior Madison Gilbertson ’21 has been awarded the Victoria L. Soto Memorial Award by Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters. Gilbertson met with her ‘Little’ for four years while at Trinity, even connecting virtually when schools transitioned to remote learning during the pandemic.