Jumu’ah Prayers
The Muslim Student Association and the Office of Spiritual & Religious Life offer Jumu’ah on Fridays at 1:15 p.m. They are in the Muslim Prayer Room, located on the first floor of Summit Suites South. The prayers are typically led by an intern from the Hartford Seminary or a student leader. They are followed by a shared meal and time for community.
Discover Islam Week
Discover Islam Week is the MSA’s signature event of the year. In 2019, the program included a panel titled “Conversations with your Muslim Neighbor” in collaboration with the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut and the Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding, a showing of I Am Ali at Cinestudio theater, and Jumu’ah on the Quad. In 2018, Discover Islam Week included a performance of Dirty Paki Lingerie, a single woman play by Aizzah Fatima about the intersection of tradition and modernity for Muslim women; a lecture by a New Haven-based, Syrian-born artist Mohamad Hafez about his art exploring refugees’ experiences; and discussions about the representations of Islam in the media. The events were well-attended and the group collaborated with other student organizations, campus offices, and academic departments.
Muslim Coalition of Connecticut Annual Leadership Banquet
Each year, the Muslim Student Association attends the Annual Leadership Banquet put on by the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut in October. Last year, the theme was “Healthy Minds, Healthy Communities: Breaking the Silence on Mental Health.” In 2017, the theme was “Muslims in The Media – Reclaiming the Narrative.” For more information about MCCT and their work in the state, visit their website.
Throughout the year, the MSA also organizes a variety of events in collaboration with other student organizations, academic departments, and organizations in the surrounding area.