The Chapel Singers
Trinity’s oldest student organization, founded in 1825.

The group’s membership is comprised of undergraduates from a variety of backgrounds and academic disciplines who enjoy studying and performing challenging choral music.
The Chapel Singers sing at Chapel Services, major college occasions, and perform concerts and make recordings. They also sing at the popular Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols, as well as at services of Choral Evensong on Wednesdays throughout the semester.
Since 2017, The Chapel Singers has been directed by Christopher Houlihan ’09, the John Rose Distinguished College Organist, Director of Chapel Music, and Artist-in-Residence.
Student Leadership
James Maciel ’25, president
Jensine Wagner ’25, vice president
Elise Casey ’25, treasurer
Madison Thompson ’25, secretary

Paul Winter Consort Performs with Trinity Student Ensembles
The Paul Winter Consort played in the Trinity College Chapel on March 11, 2023, amplifying music that wove together sounds from nature with music from other nations and jazz. The event wove the sounds of Trinity College students and faculty into the performance. That included the voices of the Chapel Singers under the direction of Christopher Houlihan, and the Trinity Samba Ensemble under the direction of Eric Galm, professor of music.

Trinity Community Continues to Gather — in Virtual Spaces
Being separated physically has not kept the Trinity College community from connecting this semester. While the COVID-19 pandemic prevents large gatherings in spaces like the Washington Room, Vernon Social, or the Chapel, groups across campus are getting creative by moving events and activities online and inviting people to attend from wherever they are.

Choirs in perfect Harmony
The Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford (ASOFH) is an annual national festival and organ competition in residence at Trinity College. The Chapel Singers collaborated with choirs from West Hartford at the 2017 festival to premier a new piece of music commissioned from well-known composer Philip J. Stopford.