Top Fulbright producer
Trinity College has been named a Top Producing Institution of Fulbright U.S. Students for the 2023–24 academic year. The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international academic exchange program.

The listing recognizes the five recent Trinity graduates awarded Fulbright grants last year: Aiden Chisholm ’23, Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) grant for Peru; Reagan Flynn ’23, ETA grant for Argentina; Jeffery Huang ’22, ETA grant for South Korea; Nic Zacharewski ’23, Study/Research Grant to work at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany; and Olivia Zeiner-Morrish ’22, ETA grant for Cambodia.
“Driven by our remarkable faculty and supportive staff,” said Trinity College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney, “our talented Fulbright students represent an uncommon interest in helping to find the answers to shared international concerns.”

Flynn, who came to Trinity from Pittsboro, North Carolina, majored in political science and graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. In April, she started her Fulbright ETA in Argentina, working in local classrooms and helping to teach English while serving as a cultural ambassador for the United States.
She said she plans to stay open-minded about what she’ll do after her experience ends in November. “I have ideas of what I want to do when I get back, but I know my perspective might change while I’m there,” said Flynn.
After studying in South Korea as an undergraduate, Huang, a Chicago Posse Scholar who majored in history and economics, returned there earlier this year on his Fulbright ETA.

Huang plans to earn a master’s in public policy after he returns. “I have a background in econometrics from Trinity,” Huang said, “so I hope to use that knowledge in grad school and beyond.”
In November, Zeiner-Morrish traveled to Cambodia to start her Fulbright ETA. She graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, majoring in political science, with a concentration in comparative politics, in addition to a minor in community action.
After her Fulbright experience, Zeiner-Morrish says, she sees herself attending graduate school as she continues to pursue a career in international affairs, noting, “I’m hopeful about my ability to support both the local and global communities I care about.”
News about Chisholm and Zacharewski was included the fall 2023 issue of The Trinity Reporter.