Seeking stories about veterans
During several recent Bicentennial events, including the Alumni Bicentennial Celebration last June and the Bicentennial Fall Weekend last October [covered in the fall 2023 and winter 2024 issues], alumni may have seen a presentation I prepared on Trinity’s veterans since the Civil War. Thousands of Trinity alumni served in the armed forces; my presentation showcased about 350.
I’d like to tell more of these stories. Are you a veteran? Did a veteran relative attend Trinity? Let me know, and I’ll send a short list of questions. You can contact me at [email protected].
Donald M. Bishop ’67
Vienna, Virginia
For the record
I just finished reading the fall 2023 Trinity Reporter. I thoroughly enjoyed the issue and was especially interested in the article “Bantams Speak” about the alumni survey.
By way of background, I’m Class of 1987 (math and computer science major). Professionally I’m a technology researcher, and my job involves creating surveys, analyzing the data, and presenting the findings.
I wanted to bring to your attention that there’s an error in the charts in the Reporter article. Wherever charts say “X percent decrease from 2018” or “Y percent increase from 2018,” these phrases really should say “X percentage point decrease from 2018” or “Y percentage point increase” (or just “point increase” or “point decrease” if one wants to simplify).
For example, on the engagement question: It looks like those who are engaged/enthusiastic rose from 51 percent in 2018 to 55 percent in 2022, while those who are indifferent decreased from 36 percent to 32 percent. The 4-point dip in indifference is actually 4/36 = 11 percent decrease, while the 4-point rise in engaged/enthusiastic is 4/51 = 7.8 percent increase. . . .
I hope that Trinity will correct this in any other assets that may mention the survey.
Susanne Hupfer ’87
Wethersfield, Connecticut
Get in touch! The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at [email protected] or Sonya Storch Adams, Office of Communications and Marketing, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.