COVID-19 Update: New Policies, Testing Information, and Campus Alert Levels
August 25, 2020
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
We write today on behalf of the college’s COVID-19 steering committee to let you know that we have made some significant updates to our Returning to Trinity website and the Fall Reopening FAQs. Among them are new COVID-19-related policies regarding visitors to campus and travel by Trinity students and employees, and a set of guidelines and protocols for co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences. While we thought it important to let you know about those changes, we encourage you to visit the website frequently, as content there is updated often, and it is meant to serve as a comprehensive source of information and resources related to the college’s response to the pandemic.
In addition, we wanted to make you aware of a new resource for detailed information about our campus COVID-19 testing program and the testing center that is now operating in the Ferris Athletic Center field house. As we ramp up our testing program this week—as more staff and faculty return to campus and the first waves of students arrive at Trinity—we are finalizing the technical details of a testing dashboard that we’ll soon make available on the college’s website. There you will be able to track our ongoing testing effort (number of tests conducted, number of positive/negative results, etc.). We’ll share that dashboard with you as soon as it’s ready.
Lastly, the college has developed a framework of COVID-19 alert levels to provide the community with up-to-date guidance about activity and movement on campus, based on a number of factors related to the virus. The framework lays out four different operating status levels, from green to red. The college’s operating status will be visible on our website at all times, and we will notify you via email when there’s a significant change in the alert level. You can learn more about the alert levels and their corresponding guidance for operations here.
Joe DiChristina, Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Management
Jason Rojas, Chief of Staff and Associate Vice President for External Relations