Ask a Bantam Summer Series
New students are welcome to join us for the Ask a Bantam Summer Series each summer between June and July. The sessions are typically hosted at 7:00pm EST every Wednesday. Since the College will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 in honor of Juneteenth, our first session will be held on Thursday, June 20. Each session will be joined by various campus representatives and students will have an opportunity to ask any questions they may have prior to their arrival to campus.

Session II: Campus Resources - Wednesday, June 26th
Have questions about resources available on campus to students? Join us for a chance to hear from various campus partners such as the Office of Student and Community Life, the Bantam Network, Student Accessibility Resource Center (SARC), Campus Safety, Spiritual and Religious Life, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Center for Academic and Experiential Advising, Health Center, Counseling and Wellness Center, and Career and Life Design.