A Course Incomplete (IN) is a transcript notation for a temporary extension.


A course Incomplete (IN) is a transcript notation for a temporary extension. Approval is dependent both on the individual instructor’s agreement and decision by the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC). Typically, non-completion of coursework for an Incomplete by the date due will result in conversion of the “IN” to a failing grade.

  • An Incomplete is not intended for falling behind on work and/or not doing well in a course.
  • Note that a separate form must be completed for each course for which you are asking for an Incomplete.

Student Instructions

  • Click here to download and complete the petition for a course Incomplete
  • Submit this petition form by the appropriate deadline
    • Fall 2023 Semester Courses Petition Deadline: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 (last day of classes)
    • Spring Semester Courses Petition Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (last day of classes)
  • Complete parts I & III
  • Ask your Advisor(s) to sign part II and your Instructor to complete part IV
  • For consideration by the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC), Steps I, II, III, & IV MUST be completed 
  • Scan the completed form and send it as an attachment, along with supporting documentation, to [email protected] via email, with “Request for Incomplete” and your name in the subject line.


If approved by the AAC, a course “Incomplete” is a temporary placeholder of a grade until the due date.  (If the coursework is not completed by the due-date, the temporary Incomplete will convert to an F).  The student should stay in communication with their instructor about the coursework and timeline.

An instructor cannot just submit a “grade” of “IN”. The notation can only be done via an AAC approved course Incomplete petition.

Please Note: This process is different from the temporary COVID practice. We are now back to the normal process for course Incompletes, which is processed through the AAC.

General steps to petition for an Incomplete:

  • If the student meets the conditions for a possible Incomplete as described above
  • If a professor is willing to allow an extension given the parameters of the course
  • The student may submit a petition to the AAC for a possible Incomplete using the link above
  • If the AAC approves an Incomplete, students are strongly encouraged to finish the coursework as soon as possible while things remain as fresh, so they do not carry the workload into the new semester. Work for an Incomplete must be finished by the due date.