The CTL Fellows program is for Trinity faculty who want to undertake a big pedagogical experiment. At the end of the academic year, the CTL Fellows present the outcomes of their projects to the campus. To view the current CTL Fellows project proposals, please click the titles below.

Clayton Byers, Assistant Professor of Engineering
“Effective assessment through a mix of in-person and online learning”


Seth Markle, Associate Professor of History and International Studies
Christina Blyer, Director of Special Collections and Archives
“Podcasting History: Audio Stories from The Watkinson Archives”


Blase Provitola, Visiting Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies
“Teaching advanced Grammar and Composition as a Skill Set”


 Sally Seraphin, Visiting Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
“Opening-Up & Spreading-Out the Brain: Examining Neurobiological Principles Through Online-Database Research in Neuroscience Teaching”


Vincent Tomasso, Assistant Professor of Classical Studies

 “Ancient Pulp Fiction”