Bantam Check-In with Michaella Kendrick ’18
“I have worked in philanthropy since graduating from Trinity, but at the end of March I took on a role at a major health organization in Boston at their homeless services bureau. I am helping manage the COVID-19 response for Boston's homeless population.
I work full-time helping to coordinate a notification system between shelters, hospitals, and health care organizations. All employees go through a temperature and symptom screening each time we enter the building, and we are required to wear masks in the office to protect each other. I’m extremely grateful and privileged to have a car so I do not have to use public transportation.
My coworkers, all of whom have partners and families, are tirelessly working directly in shelters and quarantine facilities every day and night, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize their exposure.
Unhoused people are at extremely high risk right now. My coworkers’ selflessness and drive to care for the most vulnerable population in the midst of this pandemic makes me incredibly grateful. It inspires me to get up and go to work every day to help however I can.
Since graduating from Trinity, I have remained connected through the Queer Resource Center. I was grateful to have the chance last Spring to speak on a panel about being queer and navigating coming out in the workplace, and I hope to continue to be involved and support queer and marginalized students on campus however I am able.
I know that it is an emotional and frustrating time for students who are not able to attend their graduation as planned – especially those who face additional barriers in higher education such as queer students, students of color, undocumented students, and others. However, as someone who is involved in the COVID-19 response, I want to say thank you to everyone who is staying home right now. It is helping tremendously and it is the responsible thing to do. I wish all 2020 Trinity graduates an amazing celebration of their accomplishments, whenever those celebrations happen.
I have tried to find a balance between feeling a pull to help others and recognizing that I also need to rest and take care of myself. I have researched ways to support the most vulnerable groups, such as domestic violence survivors. I also make time to unwind every night by writing or watching my favorite shows over a video call with my partner (I’m loving The Voice and Schitt’s Creek right now).”