The facilities overseen by OSRL include:

  • Trinity College Chapel
  • Zachs Hillel House (overseen directly by the Director of Trinity Hillel)
  • Charleston House for Interfaith Cooperation
  • Muslim Prayer Room

Each of these spaces can be used by students, faculty, and staff of Trinity College by working with the Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership Office (for students) or the Calendar Office (for faculty and staff). In most cases, the use of these spaces is grated at the sole discretion of the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.

To serve our mission and that of the College, we allow students access to these rooms via their Trinity College IDs. Such access is a privilege and a responsibility. By requesting access, students agree to help our office maintain and preserve these spaces for use by the whole community.

Students requesting card access to these spaces should contact the College Chaplain (Trinity College Chapel, Charleston House for Interfaith Cooperation, or the Muslim Prayer Room) or the Director of Hillel (Zachs Hillel House). To be granted access, students are required to sign and submit the Facility Card Access Agreement.

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