Students Learn about Array of Campus Clubs at Involvement Fair

On Tuesday, September 21, the Office of Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (SAIL) invited students to gather on the Main Quad for the fall semester’s Involvement Fair. Members of student organizations recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) set up and staffed tables from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., giving students the opportunity to learn about and potentially sign up to join various clubs and activities.
Last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Involvement Fairs were held online and student activities throughout the year were conducted remotely. “This made it all the more exhilarating to see so many students, in person, eager to get involved on campus this year,” said Romulus Ferrer Perez, assistant director of SAIL. “This event was a hopeful sign towards normalcy for the students’ college experience.”
Catherine Doyle ’23 is a double major in English and educational studies. Doyle represented the Recreation Office and the Newman Club, the Roman Catholic student organization, at the event and said, “The Involvement Fair was very well attended, and everyone seemed to be really excited about the prospect of having in-person events and student club meetings.”

Another student club member, Allison Rau ’23, is a triple major in French, political science, and history. Rau represented the Mock Trial Team and said, “Seeing all of the potential new members for each club was so exciting. After the obstacles of last year, being outside with such a variety of clubs and interests was refreshing.”
With an array of organizations ranging from Club Tennis to the Chemical Society and from Nest Artists to the German Club, Trinity College has more than 130 clubs for students to consider joining. Involvement Fairs occur at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters. Information on the steps involved in starting a new student organization on campus can be found here on the SGA website.
For more information about ways to get involved on campus, visit the Bantam Link site.
Photos by Marshall Montner ’23