Anthony T. Berry
Director of Admissions
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Connecticut (New Haven and Middlesex Counties), Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina
Fun Facts: Anthony’s favorite food is everything from the South—except liver pudding—and his first concert was The Fugees. |
Kate Henchy
Associate Director of Admissions and Data Analytics
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Fun Facts: Kate is an avid sports fan and enjoys cheering for the Bruins and the Mets. She also loves her dog Chester, Dolly Parton, and exploring Hartford. |
Matthew Hyde
Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
U.S. Territory: Colorado
Fun Facts: Matt loves outdoor adventures. You might just see him stand up paddleboarding down the Farmington River!
Jose Infante
Associate Director of Admissions and Coordinator of International Recruitment
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Alaska, California (Southern), Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands
International Territory: Asia, Central America, Mexico, Oceania, South America, Africa, Europe, Middle East
Fun Facts: Jose can take you on a rock & roll musical history journey starting from its roots in the late 1950s all the way to the early 1990s. While he is not a musician, he still tries to play the harmonica. As sport enthusiast, he stays active by playing volleyball and ultimate disc. |
Gillian Ritter
Associate Director of Admissions and Events Coordinator
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: California (Northern), Connecticut (Litchfield and Fairfield Counties), Kentucky, Maryland, New York (Westchester, Rockland Counties, Western NY, Southern Tier West, Finger Lakes Region), Ohio, Pennsylvania (Western), Tennessee, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia
Fun Facts: Gillian loves to travel and spent two years living and teaching abroad in Spain. She also loves trying new foods and spending time at the beach. |
Laura Silverman
Associate Director of Admissions
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Maine, Massachusetts (Essex County), New Hampshire, and Vermont
Fun Facts: Laura loves to play volleyball and competed for her college during her undergraduate years. She is also an avid music lover and has been to over 100 concerts in her lifetime. Top shows have been the Decemberists, Guster, and Michael Kiwanuka. |
Kyle Smith ’05
Director of Enrollment Marketing and Communications
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Connecticut (Hartford County)
Fun Facts: Kyle married his college sweetheart from Trinity and has a knack for cooking. |
J. Dillard Taylor ’12
Assistant Director of Admissions
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Massachusetts (except Essex County), and Rhode Island
Fun Facts: Dillard enjoys spending a quiet weekend cooking and reading. He also enjoys exploring different parts of the country (and world!) and finding unique local experiences. |
Shayna Thomas ’21
Assistant Director of Admissions
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New York (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island), Oregon, and Washington
Fun Facts: One of Shayna’s goals is to overcome her cat allergy and fulfill her lifelong aspiration of becoming a cat owner. She also once published a poetry ebook under a pseudonym (don’t ask, she won’t tell what it is). |
Madeline Travers
Admissions Counselor
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York (Long Island), Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin
Fun Facts: Madeline taught herself how to crochet, and has crocheted everything from sweaters to stuffed animals. Her perfect weekend includes exploring local yarn and book shops, listening to Taylor Swift, and spending time with her two dogs, Coco and Mabel!
Cassidy Willie-Lawes ’24
Admissions Counselor
[email protected]
U.S. Territory: Alabama, Connecticut (Windham, Tolland, and New London Counties), Delaware, Idaho, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York (Bronx and Queens), North Dakota, Pennsylvania (Eastern), and South Dakota
Fun Facts: Cassidy has visited Macchu Picchu (one of the seven wonders of the world)! In her free time, she like to write plays, spend time with family and experiment in the kitchen.