Special Academic Programs
Trinity offers a wide variety of special academic programs that give students the freedom and flexibility to explore their own special interests. Many of these programs offer unique opportunities to become immersed in urban, civic, or global issues. Others offer multidisciplinary approaches, fresh perspectives, or more intensive study. Students who choose one of these programs invariably report that their learning experience at Trinity is greatly enhanced.
Opportunities range from our first-year Gateway Programs in interdisciplinary arts, interdisciplinary sciences, cities, and humanities, to our Health Fellows Program, where students interested in health-related professions can gain hands-on experience.
Each of these programs is built on the College’s belief in the value of self-guided study and the faculty’s conviction that there is a fruitful connection between learning and life that is ripe for exploration.

Health Fellows Program
The Health Fellows Program is an innovative academic program offering students exceptional opportunities to participate in a clinical research project. In addition to their regular coursework, students work 30 hours per week with clinical-care physicians or other research-active health care providers in one-on-one relationships at area medical centers.