Information Security
The widespread use of computers in almost every facet of daily life has led to a proliferation of data, often sensitive, that is collected, stored, processed and used by today’s ubiquitous information systems. This certificate is designed to provide students with the technical and non-technical skills required to support the core information security principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of data throughout its entire life cycle. Students will learn to be responsible data owners and data stewards, both in their personal and professional lives, as they gain experience in using, evaluating and deploying technologies supporting information security strategies with a focus on the technical challenges of handling sensitive data as well as the corresponding social, economic, legal and policy issues. By completing this certificate, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure that data is handled with care and to apply these skills in their respective professional fields. This certificate is intended for a broad population of students.
Credit 1: Core Requirement
CPSC 395 – Sensitive Information in a Connected World
Credit 2: Interdisciplinary Requirement
One course related to social, economic, legal or policy aspects of information security.
PHIL 103 – Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 250 – Love, Death, and Twitter
PHIL 335 – Being, Life, Death: Heidegger
PSYC 221 – Research Design and Analysis
PSYC 226 – Social Psychology
PSYC 237 – Health Psychology
PSYC 255 – Cognitive Psychology
PBPL 202 – Law, Argument, and Public Policy
POLS 307 – Constitutional Powers and Civil Rights
POLS 316 – Civil Liberties
PBPL 255 – First Amendment Law and Policy
Or other courses as approved by a certificate faculty advisor
Credit 3: Co-curricular
A co-curricular activity related to the technical or interdisciplinary aspects of information security, such as an internship, summer fellowship, paid or unpaid research project with a faculty member, or other experience approved a certificate faculty advisor.
For more information, students should contact Professor Ewa Syta, Professor Beth Casserly, Professor Kevin McMahon, or Professor Todd Ryan.