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Trinity Faculty Members Receive Prestigious Awards, Honors, and Fellowships
This spring, Trinity College is celebrating several faculty members who have received fellowships, awards, and other honors for their significant academic accomplishments.
“It is such a pleasure to share news of faculty awards and prizes this spring,” said Sonia Cardenas, vice president for academic affairs, dean of the faculty, and professor of political science. “We are proud of our faculty and of what their accomplishments say about the caliber of our teacher-scholars and Trinity’s distinctive liberal arts education.”
Zayde Antrim, Professor of History and International Studies, has received a prestigious fellowship from the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). She will spend the spring 2024 semester in residence at the IAS as a member of the School of Historical Studies.
Jordan T. Camp, Assistant Professor of American Studies, has been appointed a 2023-24 Fellow at the UConn Humanities Institute for “The Southern Question,” a project that is garnering significant attention. Camp also has been awarded a Stuart Hall Fellowship from the Hutchins Center for African and African American Studies of Harvard University and a fellowship from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of The New York Public Library.
Elise Castillo, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies, has been selected as a 2023 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow. The fellowship award of $70,000 is intended to assist with the fellow’s salary replacement and research expenses for the fellowship period. Castillo plans to research Asian American students, school choice, and integration.
Chandranil (Nil) Chakraborttii, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, received a Faculty Research Grant from the NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium. Some of the funds will support an undergraduate research assistant to use machine learning on large, publicly available NASA solar datasets.
Lin Cheng, Professor of Engineering, was elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering based on “distinction achieved through significant contributions in theory or applications, as demonstrated by original published books and papers, patents, the pioneering of new and developing fields and innovative products, outstanding leadership of nationally recognized technical teams, and external professional awards in recognition of scientific and engineering excellence.”
Rosario Hubert, Associate Professor of Language and Culture Studies, has been awarded the Helen Tartar First Book Subvention Prize from the American Comparative Literature Association for her forthcoming book, Disoriented Disciplines: China, Latin America, and the Shape of World Literature.
Samuel D. Kassow ’66, Charles H. Northam Professor of History, was appointed William Rosenberg Senior Scholar 2023 at the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University.
Sara Kippur, Associate Professor of Language and Culture Studies, has been appointed a Fellow by the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France. This highly competitive award recognizes groundbreaking research in the arts and humanities.
Michelle Kovarik, Associate Professor of Chemistry, is the recipient of the 2023 Centennial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching from Iota Sigma Pi, the National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry.
Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre, Professor of History, has been awarded the André Simon Award for Drink Writing for her book, Imperial Wine.
Sally Bernardina Seraphin, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, was awarded the Whitman Fellowship at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, with a supplemental grant to allow two undergraduate research students to join her in Woods Hole.
Anna Terwiel, Assistant Professor of Political Science, received a $50,000 fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) for the 2023-24 academic year. This fellowship will allow Terwiel edicated time to work on her book manuscript, The Politics of Prison Abolition.