Dear Trinity Community,

Philip and Kelli's yearbook photosTrinity is where memories are made. To our alumni friends, we ask: when was the last time you looked at your senior pictures? When we look at our photos a “few” years later, we are filled with joy. On the outside we have changed, but on the inside, we still feel very much like the young adults in the photos.

Fast forward to 2023, we can’t wait to see the beautiful campus in the spring and to share a major milestone with you — the Bicentennial!

Everyone is encouraged to visit for the latest updates. Here are new highlights:


  • Kickoff—May 5, 2023. The campus community will celebrate after Honors Day.
  • Charter Day—May 16, 2023. Ready for a new tradition? Will the Trinity flag fly over Connecticut’s State House? Join President Berger-Sweeney and Banty for a lemonade toast. Wear your Trinity gear with pride and post your toast photos on social media, hashtag #Trin200.
  • Alumni Bicentennial Celebration—June 9–11, 2023
    Ready for great food and a great time? Newly added: Friday night “Trinity Live!” on the Main Quad features performances by The Nields (David Chalfant ’90, Katryna Nields Chalfant ’91, and David Hower ’89) and Latanya Farrell P’23. New panels have been confirmed: “Women in Law,” “The Art and Business of Film and TV” featuring 2021 Academy Award-winner Will McCormack ’96, and author talks with Charity Elder ’00 and Joanna Scott ’82. Renew your wedding vows in the Chapel, see your matriculation book, and stay tuned for the headline performer at the Bantam Birthday Bash on Saturday night! Event registration opens soon in early April.
  • Cinestudio – Beginning in September as part of the 1823 series, Cinestudio will host one free film screening for each decade of its time on campus, starting with the 1970s. Vote for the movie that symbolizes each decade for you by taking this poll!
  • 200 Stories – We hope to collect 200 Trinity stories over the next year. The Bicentennial website launches in May 2023, but before it does, share your story and photos. Group stories (e.g., clubs, teams, activity groups, majors) are encouraged. Stuck? Here are prompts:
    • What is your best memory from the Main Quad?
    • What is your favorite place on campus and why?
    • Which class/professor changed the trajectory of your life? Why?
    • Which student group/activity made a difference in your life? Why?

No story is too small. The College seeks a variety of content and may use your submission on the Bicentennial website, on social media, or in The Trinity Reporter. Bear in mind that Trinity reserves the right to edit for clarity, length, grammar, and content appropriateness. Email us at [email protected] (subject line “200 Stories”).

We are pleased to report that the Bicentennial is promising to be spectacular.

Until next month,

Philip S. Khoury ’71, H’21 and Kelli Harrington Tomlinson ’94
Co-chairs of the Bicentennial Steering Committee

P.S. Which yearbook has this inside front cover?

Yearbook inside cover

Do you have anything interesting to tell us about your Commencement?
Here are images from ours: cars on the Long Walk in 1971 and honorary degree recipient and Tibetan Buddhist monk, Lobsang Samten, from 1994.